Wednesday 7 January 2015

Initial Photoshop Designs

Using my sketches for layout reference, I began to put my film poster together on Photoshop, deciding to use the theme of Parallel Earths as my theme. My first design was fairly crude, and to me it felt unprofessional. I was particularly dissatisfied with the background imagery and the font colour of the text, as they both felt quite boring with no real depth to them. However, I liked the image of the astronaut and his parallel duplicate looking at each other, so I decided to retain that for the design.

I decided to change the layout of the title so that it was central and altered the font colour to a more metallic light grey. As for the background, I changed the Star background to one that was less busy, and I then place on image of the sun on top, to make the image look more dramatic.

I next  put in poster credits, using the original poster and the poster for the film 'Drive' as references.

However, I still felt that the imagery of the sun could look more dramatic, so I enlarged the image of the sun and placed an image of the Earth behind. The image of the Earth is flipped, to give a clue as to the nature of the story concerning parallel Earths. I also included the films original tagline at the top, to put dramatic emphasis on the film.

Ultimately however, I felt that the poster I had designed was to similar to the original DVD cover of the film, so I decided to revisit my sketches to try something different.

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